

[最も選択された] laziness 意味 118849

A 1 'Laziness is not a very desireable trait' 2 'His laziness is getting out of control' 3 'You should do something about your laziness' I really don't use the word laziness very often so these 'examples' are not really very commonly used people normally just use the word lazy eg 'I'm so lazy' or 'I had a lazy weekend' (I did nothing all weekend) or 'I don't like lazy people'Fail through lazinessとは。意味や和訳。なまけて失敗する 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。Lazinessの意味や使い方 音節la・zi・ness発音記号léɪzinəs名詞怠惰,不精 約1176万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。 発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。 laziness 怠惰 怠惰は Taida Ha 英語 意味 英語訳 日本語の例文 Laziness 意味

√100以上 aquafaba mousse 243932-Aquafaba mousse lemon

Jun 17, 17Useful tips for Aquafaba Chocolate Mousse You want to work slowly and deliberately here This recipe takes a little patience When you melt yourJan 18, 21If you're after a super rich and creamy vegan chocolate mousse, then look no further than this 4ingredient AQUAFABA CHOCOLATE MOUSSE from Delightful Adventures Doughnuts If doughnuts are your treat of choice then these VEGAN DOUGHNUTS fromJun 06, 16Aquafaba Mousse Vegan Chocolate Mousse with Aquafaba Credit AllrecipesPhoto You'd never guess this vegan dessert is made with only three ingredients The aquafaba whips up to form a rich, decadent mousse that boasts Easy Vegan Aquafaba Chocolate Mousse This Vibrant World Aquafaba mousse lemon